South Central Mobile Crisis Team

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The Mobile Crisis Team meets with people experiencing a mental health or emotional crisis, including the following:

– Feelings of stress or feeling overwhelmed.

– Plans or thoughts of hurting yourself or others.

– Suddenly finding it difficult to complete normal daily activities due to stress or other symptoms.

– Increase or change in symptoms such as mood, anxiety or panic attacks, hallucinations, or delusions.

The regional Mobile Crisis Team is operated by Horizon Homes, Inc., a local provider of adult mental health services, including housing, treatment, and rehabilitation options.

The Mobile Crisis Team is made possible through a partnership between Horizon Homes, Inc., the South Central Community Based Initiative, and the MN Department of Human Services.

Phone: 877-399-3040


Available 24 hours, seven days a week


825 S Front Street | PO Box 3032 Mankato, MN