SU Counseling Center

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The Counseling Center provides high-quality, confidential, professional mental health services including prevention, advocacy, education, and short-term treatment of mental health concerns. Our goals are to promote student welfare and psychological well-being, a safe and healthy campus community, and academic success.

The Counseling Center offers multiple services to best meet the needs of all students. The Center specializes in short-term, generalist treatment options. Visit the Center’s Scope of Service webpage to learn more. If long-term or specialized treatment is recommended, our staff can help support students in the process of connecting with resources that best fit their needs.

Thoughts of harming self or others WITHOUT immediate threat

  • If there is a need to meet with a counselor that day, come into the Center before 3:30 p.m. and state your need upon arrival
  • If unsure about how to help a student who may be having non-lethal mental health concerns, call the center and ask to consult with a counselor
  • There are many clinical services available at the Counseling Center. Visit the Center’s website for the most up-to-date information.

Phone: 410-543-6070


Monday-Friday | 8am-4:30pm


Guerrieri Student Union (GSU)

Suite 263